A Pleasant Way To Spend an Afternoon – Cafe 5

Winter has arrived on the island and while the sun may still be shining and holidaymakers wandering around in shorts and strappy tops, to long-time residents it still feels cool.  It is therefore nice to know places where you can sit outside, enjoy reading a book and still feel cosy because there is a throw to drape around your shoulders.

Cafe 5 is just such a place.  Whether you sit outside to people watch or inside with your book or lose yourself in one of the cafes selection of newspapers, there is always the temptation to stay a little longer and linger over a delicious cake and coffee.

As a rule, I go on about liking authentic Canarian cafes and restaurants.  There is of course always the exception to every rule and Cafe 5 is it. A Hungarian man, his girlfriend and their dog own it. Yes, it helps having a dog as he gets on well with our two girls when we stop for a break.

Whilst Hungarians have a great reputation for their goulash, they aren’t only masters of savoury food; they know a thing or two when it comes to dessert! For us, a coffee stop at Cafe 5 usually ends up including cakes and pastries. If it is warm, the ice cream desserts are so bad you have to try a different one each time, well that’s my excuse and to date I have worked my way through the strawberry, the peach and the kiwi.  ‘Mr Predictable’ usually sticks with the apple cake (Almas Pite) but if he is feeling adventurous he may go for the almond torte.

Cake and coffee are around €3, ice cream desserts average €5 and one of the best barraquito in town is €2.50.



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7 Responses to A Pleasant Way To Spend an Afternoon – Cafe 5

  1. Denise Hutchings says:

    Where abouts in LC is this please

  2. Pat says:

    Hi where is this it looks lovely. Love your blog keeps me in the sun everyday !

    • Thanks Pat. If you are in the Church Plaza and start to walk down towards the seafront on what we call the bottom road (with all the restaurants) the road divides in two by a clothes shop called Terry’s and one selling tablecloths, napkins and the like. Taking the left fork the cafe is on the corner you can see if from the main road.

  3. bill barton says:

    One of our favourite cafes as well , invariably when we are sat there some old friend will just happen to be passing or stopping for a refreshment, lovely place, by the way that looks like a very generous barraquito,

  4. Blyth Spirit says:

    Great cafe/bar one of our favourite when we stayed at Revron, everything that is lovely & great about LC.

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